Replace battery part number:
Asus 0B110-00100000M-A1A1A-213-AJ1B,0B20-013K0AS, A31-X101, A32-X101, X10L65H
This battery is also compatible with the following models :
Asus Eee PC X101, Eee PC X101C, Eee PC X101CH, Eee PC X101H
Denna produkt lades till den onsdag 29 juni, 2022.
ASUS X550D X550DP X550Z X550ZA X550ZE (kompatibelt batteri)
70-NLF1B2000Z Asus A32-F5 Asus F5 F5N F5R batteri (kompatibel)
Asus L0690L6 K50AD-X1 K60IJ-RBLX05 K60IL K60IN PRO79IJ X5EA X87 batteri (kompatibel)
Asus X66iC-JX010V X66IC-JX011V X66IC-JX014V X66IC-JX037V (kompatibelt batteri)
Asus K53SV-SX123V K53SV-SX125 K53SV-SX126V batteri (kompatibel)
Asus X58le X59s X59sl X59sr F5 F5C A32-X50 batteri (kompatibel)
Asus N52F N52J N52JA batteri (kompatibel)
ASUS X54C X54H X54HR X54HY X54L X54LY A41-K53 (kompatibel)