Replace battery part number:
A31N1302 1566-6868 0B110-00240100E A31LMH2 A31LM9H
This battery is also compatible with the following models :
For ASUS VivoBook X200CA F200CA 11.6" Series For ASUS : X200CA-6E X200CA-9B X200CA-9E X200CA-1A X200CA Series X200CA-6D X200CA-9A X200CA-9D X200CA-db017 X200CA-1B 200CA-CT161H AR5B125 ATHEROS R202CA Sonic Master R202CA VivoBook F200CA VivoBook X200CA X200MA.
Denna produkt lades till den onsdag 29 juni, 2022.
ASUS S40 Ultrabook S40C S40CA S40CB S40CM (kompatibelt batteri)
ASUS F5SR-AP128C,F5SR-AP128E batteri (kompatibel)
Asus X42JR X42JV batteri (kompatibel)
Asus F555UJ-XO106T F555UJ-XO107T F555UQ F555Y (kompatibelt batteri)
10,8V ASUS X52F-SX1377V batteri (kompatibel)
Asus X52JK X52JR X52N batteri (kompatibel)
Asus N43EI52JF-SL N43EI46JF-SL batteri (kompatibel)
ASUS X93S X93SV X93SM A41-K93 A42-K93 (kompatibel)