Replace battery part number:
BTYVOY1 BTYV0Y1 C0C5M 318-0397 5WP5W 7XC9N 05WP5W 07XC9N CN-07XC9N 0C0C5M AM17XR3-6842BK
This battery is also compatible with the following models :
DELL Alienware M17x R3 Series DELL Alienware M17x R4 Series
Denna produkt lades till den söndag 30 oktober, 2022.
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D370HK) 15R (5010-D382) batteri (kompatibel)
Dell 312-1123 312-1127 J70W7 JWPHF R795X WHXY3 (kompatibelt batteri)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D330) 14R (4010-D370HK) batteri (kompatibel)
Dell Alienware 17 R2 R3 ALW17ED3728 ALW17ED-1728 6JHDV (kompatibelt batteri)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D382) 14R (4010-D430) batteri (kompatibel)
Dell XCMRD G019Y 0MF69 6HY59 4DMNG 49VTP MR90Y (kompatibelt batteri)
Dell P111G P116G P61F P70F P76F P78F P85F P92G P93G (kompatibelt batteri)
Dell XPS 13 9360 PW23Y RNP72 TP1GT 0RNP72 0TP1GT (kompatibelt batteri)